Bad British tippers at the Pink Flamingo, Oh la la! We have no baguettes. Gold bar biscuit, Tippex and Navy blue jumpers, an army of menacing squirrels.

Bad British tippers at the Pink Flamingo, Oh la la! We have no baguettes. Gold bar biscuit, Tippex and Navy blue jumpers, an army of menacing squirrels.

I will not let my Pain au Chocolat go stale! The Polka dot sock apology, Yellow sign’s mean Shark, Gorilla joyride.

I will not let my Pain au Chocolat go stale! The Polka dot sock apology, Yellow sign’s mean Shark, Gorilla joyride.

Boris the Opera singing Taxi Driver, Scooby Doo’s Fred Jones’ Blonde Wig, Challenge Chappy.

Boris the Opera singing Taxi Driver, Scooby Doo’s Fred Jones’ Blonde Wig, Challenge Chappy.

“Make sure you wear something you don’t mind getting dirty”. My Workman’s aftershave. My favourite Vindaloo! The Loo meteorite…

“Make sure you wear something you don’t mind getting dirty”. My Workman’s aftershave. My favourite Vindaloo! The Loo meteorite…

The Rampling Podcaster Pt 1, Melted White Chocolate bunny on the chest, Joy then suffering: Weekend home improvement projects. Barter your services.

The Rampling Podcaster Pt 1, Melted White Chocolate bunny on the chest, Joy then suffering: Weekend home improvement projects. Barter your services.

The Nora Shatty’s, Is Green Hot tub water okay? No confidence flatulence, Are the boys in the Barracks?

The Nora Shatty’s, Is Green Hot tub water okay? No confidence flatulence, Are the boys in the Barracks?

Baked Bean shrapnel. Paddy. Hugh, Pugh, Barney McGrew. Luther & Blofeld’s Martini.

Baked Bean shrapnel. Paddy. Hugh, Pugh, Barney McGrew. Luther & Blofeld’s Martini.

Breaking the Morse Code:The last Endeavour.

Breaking the Morse Code:The last Endeavour.

Don’t leave me alone in a room with chocolate, Good gnashers to eat corn, How to spot a Brit abroad?

Don’t leave me alone in a room with chocolate, Good gnashers to eat corn, How to spot a Brit abroad?