Tikka Masala Rubber John, Gym Hot boxing, Big plates, The most Pro phone ever! Bishop the dog.

Tikka Masala Rubber John, Gym Hot boxing, Big plates, The most Pro phone ever! Bishop the dog.

Rollercoaster love, Super Hero Moobs, Missing red Sock Portal Vortex, AI watching my knickers spin

Rollercoaster love, Super Hero Moobs, Missing red Sock Portal Vortex, AI watching my knickers spin

Volcanic bloody nose tsunami, Can’t hear you Muther, Tatties & Tattoos, Mutton jobs, Super hero’s with moobs.

Volcanic bloody nose tsunami, Can’t hear you Muther, Tatties & Tattoos, Mutton jobs, Super hero’s with moobs.

Rotten Mango Roulette, Bamboo boxers, My Loo seat is my home, the forgotten grocery item.

Rotten Mango Roulette, Bamboo boxers, My Loo seat is my home, the forgotten grocery item

Naked German Wolfman, Hot Vicky Hovland, Caterpillar Eyebrows, The Nostril disaster

Naked German Wolfman, Hot Vicky Hovand, Caterpillar Eyebrows, The Nostril disaster

Gwennie’s Bread, Irish Butter the best, Bobbles on the tongue, Succulent.

Gwennie’s Bread, Irish Butter the best, Bobbles on the tongue, Succulent.

Ice,Ice addict, American Cricket Jumpers, Cyclist Hawtrey body’s, no-slot generation

Ice,Ice addict, American Cricket Jumpers, Cyclist Hawtrey body’s, no-slot generation

Hungry Lionesses, Parky, Pickled Ice cream, Listening to the podcast whilst bathing the Dog.


Hungry Lionesses, Parky, Pickled Ice cream, Listening to the podcast whilst bathing the Dog.

Drug Smuggler Sharks, Pond Sharks, perfect rice, Nostril grooming, Long socks & short shorts.

Drug Smuggler Sharks, Pond Sharks, perfect rice, Nostril grooming, Long socks & short shorts.

Harry’s Polka to Deutschland, the poisoned German flatulent sandwich, Uber to pick up your own food, random Totem poles

Harry’s Polka to Deutschland, the poisoned German flatulent sandwich, Uber to pick up your own food, random Totem poles