Category Archives: Uncategorized

The decline and fall of Henry VIII, the farting airline passenger, the eye patch helping relationships, Mile High sauce, Kettle in the bathroom

The decline and fall of Henry VIII, the farting airline passenger, the eye patch helping relationships, Mile High sauce, Kettle in the bathroom

The Rye Cracker mistake, Salt in Tea..bloody hell no! Skinny jeans crotch showing, Dive Pubs

The Rye Cracker mistake, Salt in Tea..bloody hell no! Skinny jeans crotch showing, Dive Pubs

Sausage Roll eating Crows, Weighted blanket gives six pack.end of ironing. Red, sore,Paws! Marmite crisps goodbye..

Hairy Woofy, Creatively Lazy,Big Nelson attitude, Dunking rankings

Tea on the pot, Find my Black pudding, my big shadow hand, Silk Cravat stain

Tea on the pot, Find my Black pudding, my big shadow hand, Silk Cravat stain

A diet for a Suit of Armour, the apologetic British:I’m not apologetic enough! The creaky bed, everything creaking.

A diet for a Suit of Armour, the apologetic British:I’m not apologetic enough! The creaky bed, everything creaking.

Christmas Splosh, Golden Syrup Lion, Sea Wash Balls, Hoard packing

Christmas Splosh, Golden Syrup Lion, Sea Wash Balls, Hoard packing

Figgy Pudding, Pasty Proposal, Fake Snoring, The Great Baked Bean lie.

Figgy Pudding, Pasty Proposal, Fake Snoring, The Great Baked Bean lie.

Fake Bulgarian Potatoes, My Christmas Cheese board, Cell phone holder for toilet, Travel rings, Tripod Mixer

Fake Bulgarian Potatoes, My Christmas Cheese board, Cell phone holder for toilet, Travel rings, Tripod Mixer

The Red Cabbage saga, Beaver eating cabbage, Pick up a Penguin nap, What is behind the bookcase?

The Red Cabbage saga, Beaver eating cabbage, Pick up a Penguin nap, What is behind the bookcase?