Category Archives: Uncategorized

McCartney, Great days, The reclined passenger, Musky Crack.

McCartney, Great days, The reclined passenger, Musky Crack.

The Bestest Bread Rolls, Turkey Trots, the least festively frisky tunes,Brown Friday

The Bestest Bread Rolls, Turkey Trots, the least festively frisky tunes,Brown Friday

ohhhh Ozempic, How should one wipe? The Dull Mans club

ohhhh Ozempic, How should one wipe? The Dull Mans club

Failed Roomba Election predictor, How awful is my hearing? A new way to efficiently peel a potato.

Failed Roomba Election predictor, How awful is my hearing? A new way to efficiently peel a potato.

The Drug that altered my mind, Turkey in a pillow case, The phallic Turkey moistener

The Drug that altered my mind, Turkey in a pillow case, The phallic Turkey moistener

Man in Thong, Whale Tails all the way!Tea Bag sling-shot

Man in Thong, Whale Tails all the way!Tea Bag sling-shot

Arnie’s Wood, Egg bound, Crazy Corgi’s

Arnie’s Wood, Egg bound, Crazy Corgi’s

The worlds oldest cheese, Cheese sniffing through a sock, The cheese connoisseur

The worlds oldest cheese, Cheese sniffing through a sock, The cheese connoisseur

Men and shopping, Men and breasts, A Vicars orgy

Men and Shopping, Men an Breasts, A Vicars Orgy

Testing the integrity of the American Versus the British Zipper/Flies. Hostages and Sausages

Testing the integrity of the American Versus the British Zipper/Flies. Hostages and Sausages